Sunday, September 27, 2015

USAriadna: Minuteman

Frankly, My Dear, I don't give a damn!
So I finished this figure in a matter of two days- probably because he is primarily composed of armour plating.  Oh, to be painting Space Marines once again... *sigh*.

I wasn't too keen on this model's moustache.  It made him look like something out of Gone With The Wind.  I like helmets, goggles and balaclavas.  So despite shaping up to be a 70s Pornstar dressed in a kettle, I pressed on with getting him prepped.

I didn't approve of the colour scheme being sand rather than green- (being a bit of an aspergoid OCD nut)- but when your Minutemen are virtually indistinguishable from Mararuders or Grunts... that simply will not do.

I bit the bullet and painted him the Studio Giraldez way....

So I shouldn't have been surprised he turned out looking so spiffy!

With enough courage, you can do without a reputation.
I kept the backpack the same as everyone else to maintain a bit of consistency.

You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.
I wasn't super pleased with how the flamers turned out... I'm still used to the Warhammer style mega barrels painted with metallics.  It's adequate for table top.

And you, Miss, are no lady.
The formula for the Minuteman armour is from Studio Giraldez.

And for you unbelievers out there who think it's impossible to emulate....

First coat.
1.  Khaki Base.  I had no airbrush and I thinned out my paint way too much.  So I needed to put on a second coat.

2.  WASH- English Uniform.

3. Black Line- 50:50 English Uniform and Black.

4. HIGHLIGHT- Dark Sand.  And that's the armour plating done!  How quick is that?

Next stop.... Moar USAriadna!

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